CPB Reflection #2

Marley: I love how you had a mix of digital and handwritten for your Common Place Book. The handwritten work shows character to me as you get your artistic abilities as well as being able to express yourself through your handwriting and how you choose to fill your pages. It has been such a joy getting to read your CPB because you have the perfect mix of humor mixed with showing that you truly understand the pieces we read as well as being able to take the novels in a whole new direction I wouldn’t have considered. For example in your first entry you brought up Monster High dolls in relation to Frankenstein. I never would’ve made that connection or have chosen to write about that but I am glad that you did. To me your common place book was like a blog post or something I would see on social media and this made it very easy for me to read as well as super easy to enjoy. 

Montana: I have always loved getting to see the illustrations that you have made in your Common place book. I also think that you brought unique perspectives to each of the novels that we have read. One of my favorite CPBs of yours to read is your 4th entry. You bring in a “Shiva” and you expand on what it was and how it was considered the God of death and rebirth in India. You also raised the point about how monsters can look and act so differently, which is one of the points I was trying to make throughout my QCQs and CPB. You also talked about the amount of evil but also the amount of good a monster can do. Basically saying that not all monsters are 100% evil just like not all “good” people are 100% good. It makes for such an interesting conversation and I have enjoyed reading your CPB so much!